Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 6 - Banana Peel, Day 7 - Caramel

Saturday's flavor was supposed to be Banana Peel, but according to the girl ladling out the chocolate, there were some "technical difficulties" that morning and when they all got there, the chef came out of the kitchen with one small batch of Banana Peel and told them they're going with Plan B. But as far as they know, they'll still serve Banana Peel on its scheduled day later in the month.

Luckily Plan B is the Caramel Hot Chocolate! (Do you say car-a-mel or car-mel?) And luckily that was Sunday's flavor as well, making this both Day 6 and Day 7.

I truly loved the Caramel flavor, and I think it's my favorite so far! If I'd had it without knowing the flavor's name, I wouldn't have connected it to this kind of caramel:

because it had a very distinct burned sugar flavor that made it taste like the most delectable toasted marshmallow, with a hot, gooey middle and lightly crispy, blackened outer shell.

It was amazing! From what I hear, caramel might be one of their year-round special flavors, and I'd definitely go back for more. I might even be able to drink a full-size cup!