Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 14 - Love Potion

Day 13 was Milk Chocolate, and I had just had a Starbucks hot chocolate the night before, so I decided to skip another day at City Bakery.

Love Potion Hot Chocolate was probably the most disappointing flavor so far. It had so much potential; Valentine's Day, the mystical sound of "love potion," the association with Love Potion No. 9:

But actually it was just the regular hot chocolate with a bit of hot fudge poured on top in a shape like a tic tac toe box. It was pretty for about 5 seconds, and by the time I got to a seat to take a picture, the fudge had sunk to the bottom and it was gone. It tasted pretty good at first, but nothing special, and when I got to the bottom of the cup, there was this syrupy, sickly sweet layer of chocolate just lying there, waiting for me. I feared for my teeth. I threw it away and went to Daffy's.

The next flavor: Vietnamese Hot Chocolate! I'm super excited for this one, and the upcoming week has some great-looking flavors -- Hi Ho Pistachio and Creamy Stout!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read about Vietnamese hot chocolate and the other great flavors!
