Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 4 - Espresso

Look, it's been a hard couple of weeks. Thanks to Obama, I owe $2,000 in taxes. It's more a system error than a conceptual error, but still. And there have been some other big things that I won't air on this blog, in addition to the fact that my landlady's cat is in heat again, and it meows so violently that it sounds like a dog; the job that (inadvertently) screwed up my taxes will probably not give me a raise so I will probably have to quit (to spite them, obviously); and all the yarn I have left to knit with is scratchy and I am out of hand cream and I can't afford a new one because I OWE TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS.

And did you know that all you really have to do to succeed in life (monetarily, anyway) is double your first name, slap on some small-town grocery store temporary tattoos of "tribal" markings, wear the clothes of the opposite gender, "chew gum with vigor" while somehow using your jaw to flirt (?) and you'll get a $750,000 book deal for a memoir? Click the link. I dare you.

In short, Espresso Hot Chocolate. Coffee flavors bring out chocolate flavors (or scratch that, reverse it, I don't know). I don't like coffee, I don't like coffee flavor, and I don't seem to like coffee-flavored hot chocolate. Shocking, I know.

Tonight: Ginger Hot Chocolate. I heard TONY didn't like it but I suspect that I will. Maybe guai lo don't like ginger?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... not the insightful commentary on Hot Chocolate drinks I've come to expect from "Hotter That Hot (chocolate)". More so anti-Obama and racist.
